A non-cheesy guide to gratefulness: What to read and watch

For the upcoming holidays, a link from the TED Blog:

A non-cheesy guide to gratefulness: What to read and watch

Offers 11 unique suggestions and includes the following video:


How can each one of us find a method for living gratefully, not just once in a while being grateful, but moment by moment to be grateful. How can we do it? It’s a very simple method. It’s so simple that it’s actually what we were told as children when we learned to cross the street. Stop. Look. Go. That’s all. But how often do we stop? We rush through life. We don’t stop. We miss the opportunity because we don’t stop. We have to stop. We have to get quiet.And we have to build stop signs into our lives. ~ David Steindl-Rast

Want more ideas on how to add gratitude to your life?

Daily Grateful Living Practice Ideas

30 Daily Grateful Living Practices for you to try including:

Choose a poem that speaks to you and read it a few times in a day. Let it awaken a new experience each time you read it. Notice how no poem is the same poem twice if you read it with true presence. Share the poem with someone.

2 thoughts on “A non-cheesy guide to gratefulness: What to read and watch

  1. mishedup

    well, according to the above you live some pretty amazing gratefulness EVERY day. I am so grateful for you and for this blog. I adore waking p and finding a gem in my in box. Some I comment on, some i don’t, but they are all so welcome and needed.
    They STOP me, every day.
    BIG Thanksgiving love and gratitude to you!!

    Liked by 2 people

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